

Membership of Suzuki Music in Victoria

Membership of Suzuki Music enables families and teachers to access the full benefits of a Suzuki education as well as facilitating the availability of Suzuki Method for all Victorian teachers and families. Teachers also benefit from continuing professional development and connecting with their Suzuki colleagues. Suzuki Memberships are based on the calendar year and expire annually on 31 December.

Benefits of Membership

Why Join us?

  • To be a part of the wider Suzuki community
  • To have the opportunity to receive input from a variety of outstanding teachers via member workshops 
  • To meet other parents, teachers and students who are also committed to the Suzuki philosophy
  • To regularly participate in concerts and other performance opportunities
  • To receive that extra boost from e-newsletters and parent education programs
  • To participate in Suzuki Graduation
  • To be able to add a free 2-month listing to our instrument ‘buy, swap, sell’ page – an easy way to sell and buy second-hand instruments

Additional Benefits of Membership for Suzuki Teachers

  • Eligiblity to present students for Graduation (subject to Accreditation and continuing Professional Development Requirements)
  • Eligibility to participate in Suzuki Professional Development sessions throughout the year
  • Listing in the Directory of Accredited Teachers (subject to terms and conditions)

2024 Suzuki Membership Renewal for 2023 members

An instruction video on the membership renewal process for Suzuki Music members in Victoria. 2024 membership renewal emails have been sent. You can log in to the member portal to pay your 2024 membership if you were a financial member in 2023. If you have any problems with this, please contact us. 

New family memberships are open to families who have not been a member of Suzuki music at any time previously and who are learning from a current financial teacher member of Suzuki Music, who has commenced or completed training on that instrument.

Rejoining members are members who were not financial in the previous year OR who have not renewed their membership prior to the last day in February in the current year. 

If you were a member in 2023 then you can pay your 2024 membership by clicking the ‘renew your membership’ button above.  From 1 March a re-joining fee applies. 

Families who join for the first time part way through the year are eligible for part year memberships which will enable them to enrol for concerts and workshop events. To participate in Suzuki graduations, families must hold a full year membership. in 2024 a full year membership for a new family or rejoining family is $175, including the $25 joining fee. The pro-rata fee is calculated each quarter based on $150 plus the $25 joining fee. That is, from 1 April to 30 June the fee is $137.50; from 1 July it is $100; from 1 October it is $62.50.  If you pay a pro-rata fee you are not eligible to graduate in 2024 and you are only eligible to enrol for events that have not closed prior to the start of that quarter. Part year membership rates are not available to families who have been members of Suzuki Music at any time previously.

Families are eligible for a Country Family membership if their residential address falls outside one of the 31 LGAs that make up metropolitan Melbourne.  To participate in Suzuki graduations, country families must hold a full year membership. in 2024 a full year membership for a new country family or rejoining country family is $145, including the $25 joining fee. The pro-rata fee is calculated each quarter based on $120 plus the $25 joining fee. That is, from 1 April to 30 June the fee is $115.00; from 1 July it is $85; from 1 October it is $55.  If you pay a pro-rata fee you are not eligible to graduate in 2024 and you are only eligible to enrol for events that have not closed prior to the start of that quarter. Part year membership rates are not available to families who have been members of Suzuki Music at any time previously.

Memberships fall due on 1 January each year and families are able to renew their membership prior to 1 March, with the expiry date being 31 December. From 1 March, a rejoining fee applies, and the membership expires on 31 December.

Photos or videos of student members who are participating in our events may be taken from time to time by official photographers and Suzuki Music staff for promotional purposes. If you do not give permission for your child to be in a photo or video please email us to let us know. 

Teachers who wish to create a new teacher membership should contact Suzuki Music to apply, as Suzuki teacher training credentials, Working With Children Checks and Child Safe Standards agreements will be required.

Teacher memberships also fall due on 1 January each year and teachers are able to renew their membership prior to 1 March. From 1 March, a rejoining fee applies. 

Friends of Suzuki Music

Past family or teacher members, and intersted community members, are invited to remain in touch with us through a special Friends of Suzuki Music membership. Friends of Suzuki members receive the e-newsletter Suzuki Notes as well as the knowledge that they are helping to support the work of the Suzuki Association in Victoria.

Please note that Friends of Suzuki members are not eligible for any other Suzuki Music membership benefits.

Please contact us to take out a Friends of Suzuki membership.

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